Author of more than four hundred articles and over thirty patents in the theoretical foundations for modern power engineering, and awarded the prize for the project “Physical and technical bases of heat and power technologies – fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and non-stationary wave processes in multiphase media”.
Vladimir Nakoryakov was born on July 26, 1935 in Petrovsk-Zabaykalskiy city. In 1958 he graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic University.
After graduation from the University he worked for the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Science. In 1971 he wrote a thesis work on the subject “Heat-and-mass transfer in a sound field” and received his D.Sc. in engineering. In 1976 he got a Professor degree. In 1981 he was elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science on Mechanics specialization. From 1982 to 1985 he was a Rector of Novosibirsk State University and from 1985 to 1990 — a Deputy Chairman of Siberian Branch of the Academy of Science of the USSR. In this capacity he arranged works on practical use of the results of scientific studies in the field of modern energetic technologies. During the period from 1986 to 1997 he was working as a Director of the Institute of Thermophysics of Siberian Branch of the RAS. In 1987 he became the Full Member of the Academy of Science on Energetic specialization. He is the author of over four hundred scientific articles and over thirty patents in the sphere of theoretical grounds of modern power-plant engineering. For four times Nakoryakov was the expert of the Nobel Committee in the field of Physics.
Till present Vladimir Nakoryakov was the Adviser of RAS. He has prepared two Corresponding Members of RAS, more than forty five Doctors of Science and over two hundred Candidates of Science. Since 1965 he has been carrying out researches of the processes of hydrodynamics and heat-and-mass transfer in the sphere of energy technologies in the Institute of Thermophysics of Siberian Branch of the RAS.
In 2007 Vladimir Nakoryakov became a Laureate of Global Energy International Energy Prize for the project “Physicotechnical Bases of Power Technologies — Hydrodinamics and Heat Exchange, Non-Stationary and Wave Processes in Multiphase Mediums”.
Scientific activities
- Engaged in research of hydrodynamics and heat-and-mass transfer processes in the field of energy technologies.
- Researched heat-and-mass transfer in acoustic field.
- Organized activities aimed to practical use of scientific research results in modern energy technologies.
- Author of more than four hundred scientific articles and more than thirty patents in the field of theoretical basis for modern power plant engineering.