The main areas of research of the scientist include the development of thermophysical foundations of the modern power and energy saving equipment creation. New fundamental results were obtained by him and his colleagues in the course of studies of heat and mass transfer processes and nonlinear stability of thin liquid films and annular gas-liquid flows, vortex structures in swirling flows, coherent structures and turbulence in flooded spatially-limited reacting jet streams and torches. Sergey Alekseenko was awarded the prize named after academician G.G. Chernyi this year for the study of wave and vortex phenomena. In his gratitude speech, the laureate said: ‘Receiving the award was a pleasant surprise for me. This prize is awarded for research in the field of mechanical sciences. I work in the field of energy science, but energy cannot exist without mechanics. I am very pleased that my research was such an honorable award.’
Sergey Alekseenko has become the Global Energy Prize laureate in 2018 ‘for research and development in the field of thermal power engineering and heat transfer systems, enhancing resource potential of mankind’. Together with a Russian scientist, the representative of Australia, Martin Green, received the award. He was awarded the Global Energy Prize ‘for research, development and educational activities in the field of photovoltaics that have revolutionized the efficiency and costs of solar photovoltaics, making this now the lowest cost option for bulk electricity supply’.
Applications for the nomination of new candidates for the Global Energy Prize are accepted until March 20, 2020 on the official website of the Global Energy Association.