The Global Energy Prize International Award Committee member; Director of Applied Superconductivity Laboratory, CAS; Director of Interdisciplinary Research Center Institute of Electrical Engineering, CAS.
Liye Xiao is a scientist who works on electrical engineering and electric power technology. In 1990, he started the research of high Tc superconductor (HTS) in high field magnet, and then obtained his doctorate degree in 1995 at the Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). From 2009, Liye Xiao also started the research of smart grid technology and renewable energy system such as DC power grid and micro-grid. In last few years, he has also paid his attention on the temporal-spatial complementary properties of renewable energies and the architecture of wide-area power grid for renewable energy, and now acts as the chief-scientist for smart grid technology project of Chinese Academy of Sciences and as responsible project manager of National Key Projects for Smart Grid. During June 2007- September 2017, Liye Xiao has acted as the director of Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Now, he is the director of Interdisciplinary Research Center and director of Applied Superconductivity and New Materials at IEE, and focus on the research for the application of superconductor and new materials for power and new energy system. Liye Xiao also acts the vice-chairman of China Electrotechnical society.