For his contribution to the chemistry of carbon materials, heterogeneous catalysis, and climate action
Director of the Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
He was born on 15 October 1947 in Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Russia.
In 1969 he graduated from Novosibirsk State University with a degree in chemistry, entered the graduate school of the Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1973 defended his Ph.D. In 1972, he got employed with the Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences as junior research associate. In 1980 he became senior research associate, in 1983, head of laboratory, and in 1984, head of department of the said institute. Concurrently, since 1976, he taught at the Department of Physical Chemistry of NSU and in 1980-1982 he was Deputy Dean of the Natural Sciences Department of NSU.
In 1988 he defended his doctoral thesis in chemical sciences, and in 1991 he was awarded the title of professor. In 1988 to 1992 he worked as Deputy General Director of the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Unit “Katalizator”.
His main areas of research are coal chemistry, chemistry of carbon materials and heterogeneous catalysis.
He was a visiting researcher at Rice University (Houston, USA) in 1978 to 1979, Visiting Professor (NATO) at Louis Pasteur University in 1992 and 1994 (Strasbourg, France), Northwestern University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 1993 (PNNL, Richland, Washington, USA). He gave a course of lectures for graduate students at Al-Farabi University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) in 2008 and 2010. He was an invited opponent for dissertations and took part in the dissertation councils of several overseas universities (Utrecht, Twente, Turku, Oulu, Al-Ain, etc.).
In 1993 he took an educational course under a special-purpose educational program of the US Department of Commerce (SABIT) on the organisation and management of science and industry. In 2006, he took an educational course in the commercialisation of scientific results at the University of Arizona and Livermore National Laboratory.
He is the manager of many international projects: 9 ISTC projects, 7 projects of the Netherlands Foundation for the Promotion of Science (NOW), 6 projects of the European Union, 3 projects of the Japanese Foundation for the Development of Energy and Industry (NEDO). He is a participant and coordinator of more than 15 integration projects within the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and joint projects of SB RAS with the academies of sciences of the CIS countries.
He has taken part in all International Congresses on Catalysis since 1980 (Tokyo), European Congresses on Catalysis, conferences of the European Materials Research Society (EMRS) and the International Union of Materials Research Society (IUMRS).
Since 2010, he is in the position of Director of the Institute for Coal Chemistry and Material Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Kemerovo. From 2015 to the present day, he is the Director of the Institute for Coal Chemistry and Material Science, Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry of SB RAS. Concurrently, he is the Chief Researcher at the Institute for Catalysis of the SB RAS and head of department at the Kuzbass State Technical University since 2011.
He has acted as academic adviser for 29 candidates of sciences and 6 doctors of sciences.
He is member of the Presidium of the SB RAS, member of Scientific Council of the RAS on the chemistry of fossil solid fuels, of Scientific Council of the RAS on catalysis, and of the Bureau of the Joint Academic Board of the SB RAS on chemical sciences; he is also editor-in-chief of the Chemistry for Sustainable Development Magazine and a member of the editorial board of 5 Russian and international academic journals.
His awards are: 1999, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation; 2005, Winner of the V.A.Koptyug award of the RAS; 1999, 2007, 2017, holder of the Certificate of Merit of the Presidium of RAS; 1993, 2017, holder of the Certificate of Merit of the Presidium of the SB RAS; 2008 to 2017, Commendation of the Governor of Novosibirsk Region; 1995, 2000, Medals of the All-Russian Exhibition Center; 1997, Eureka Exhibition Medal; 2012, Order of Honor of Kuzbass; 2013, Medal dedicated to the 70 Years Anniversary of Kemerovo Region; 2016, Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan; 2017, holder of the Honorary Professor of Kuzbass Golden Badge.
Since 15 November 2019, he is academician at the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (coal chemistry).