According to the study, the route of the pipeline will stretch for 962.9 km in Mongolian territory, the pipes will be 1,400 millimeters in diameter, and five compressor stations will be installed. The scope of works performed as part of the feasibility study includes the calculation of investment and operating costs.
In accordance with the feasibility study, the construction of the pipeline is recognised as economically feasible.
Alexey Miller thanked Sainbuyan Amarsaikhan for the assistance provided by Mongolia. For instance, Mongolian companies performed the required on-site surveys, engineering and environmental mapping, and route analysis for the Soyuz Vostok project. The data obtained were used in the development of the gas pipeline route. The feasibility study for the Soyuz Vostok pipeline was prepared by a specially appointed company Gazoprovod Soyuz Vostok.