- Applications will be accepted:
Between August 22, 2022 and September 22, 2022.
- Please send your applications to:
Applications shall be accepted in the following nominations:
- The best article on energy in federal press;
- The best article on energy in regional press;
- The best article on energy from a news agency;
- The best Telegram channel or energy blog;
- The best energy news story for television;
- The best media office in energy industry;
- The best piece on energy from BRICS and SCO countries.
- Only pieces that were released or published in the media on or after January 1, 2021 are eligible for the Contest.
The following formats are eligible for the Contest: articles that were published on the Internet and in printed media; copyrighted research materials; analytical surveys; interviews; television reports, including online ones; special reports and projects of the news agencies; recordings of podcasts.
- How to submit your application:
- Please indicate the following in the subject field of your email message: Energy of Words + the category for which the application is submitted.
- Textual submissions must be sent as PDF or MS Word files. Special projects and videos can be submitted as a link to a cloud storage, or as a link to the original online source.
- An abstract (containing no more than 400 words) must be submitted as a separate file accompanying each submission for the Competition. The abstract shall specify the purpose of the submitted piece and its subject matter, and reveal its main highlights. The author shall explain in the abstract why their work should be considered as outstanding and unique.
- An abstract must necessarily accompany all submissions for the Competition. All foreign language submissions must be accompanied by an abstract in English. For Russian-language submissions, translation of the abstract into English is not required.
- A separate MS Word file attached to the same message must contain information about the contestant (an individual journalist or a team) and information about their submission for the Competition:
Contestant (full name) If a creative team contributed to the piece submitted for the Contest, please indicate full names of all members of the team | |
Position | |
Phone: | |
Email: |
Title (headline) of the submitted piece | |
Publication (media outlet) and its format (digital media, printed media, news agency, online media, other) | |
Date of publication/release | |
Size of the submitted piece (number of characters/runtime) | |
Genre of the submitted piece (news item, interview, analytics, review, etc.) |
Applications for the “Best Media Office” category shall include:
- Media office profile – a brief description of the press service’s activities and objectives;
- Full name and position of the head of the company’s media office, number of media staff employed;
- Description of the media office’s project activities, examples of the most interesting projects implemented since January 1, 2021;
- Company’s website URL, addresses of the company’s pages on social media;
- Examples of the most interesting printed, video and other materials showing the media office’s professionalism.
The participant of the Contest may attach (at his or her own discretion) the following documents to the project information:
– a presentation describing the project (file format – PDF)
– photographs (file format – JPG);
– feedback on the project, letters of appreciation from public authorities, educational, professional communities and other organisations that influence public opinion in the professional environment (file format – PDF).
- By submitting their work to the Competition, contestants thereby confirm the accuracy of the information indicated in the application and confirm their agreement to the terms and conditions of the competition and the requirements for the submissions.