The photo is sourced from ipsgroupbv
According to Zarubezhneft’s Telegram channel, the company views this as not only a chance to enter new projects but also an opportunity to develop competencies in the field of renewable energy to ensure energy security and improve the well-being of the locals, as well as the region’s environmental conditions.
Zarubezhneft is actively accumulating experience in RES development. It has set up a system to search for and assess RES (renewable energy sources) projects, started to establish a competence centre and selected a pool of promising projects. Further development will take place in three phases.
“During the Starting Point (Otpravnaya Tochka) phase (up to 2025), we need to gain initial experience in implementing pilot projects, after which we will develop our competencies in implementing projects along several areas of alternative energy during the Breakthrough (Ryvok) phase (up to 2030), and the Extensive Development (Ekstensivnoye Razvitiye) phase (after 2030) will allow us to move forward in a wide range of RES projects, which are attractive in the long term,” the company’s press materials say.
As a result, in line with the updated Strategy 2030, the overall operational installed capacity taking into account the share of Zarubezhneft will exceed 300 MW for assets slated to be developed before 2025 and 1,000 MW for those to be developed before 2030.
Geothermal energy was chosen by Zarubezhneft for a reason: projects of this kind involve skills in designing and drilling wells. At the same time, there is an urgent need for heat and power supplies in the Kamchatka Territory. Utility bills in the region are among the highest in Russia.