A graduate of Harvard Business School and Moscow State University, Mikael Alemu specialises in the development of business strategies and the implementation of investment projects. Since 1996, Dr. Alemu has established eleven companies and has led numerous projects in the field of strategic management, corporate communications and global marketing. Key among his current projects is 10 Green Gigawatt for Ethiopia, a company established with the purpose of overcoming Ethiopia’s energy deficit by designing, producing, and installing solar panels.
“It is a great honor for me to receive an honorary diploma from the Global Energy Association today. Ethiopia’s population is growing at 2.46% per year, with about 10 million young people entering the labor market every five years. The main task of the country’s economic growth is to ensure a decent life and interesting, well-paid employment for the population. The current level of energy supply in the Ethiopian economy (less than 150 kWh per year per inhabitant) is holding back development, and over the next 10 years, the country should increase electricity production by about 10 times, from the current level of 5 GW of installed capacity to 50 GW. The main role in solving this problem will be played by decentralised autonomous renewable energy, primarily solar,” Mikael Alemu said at the awarding ceremony.