The applicants for a special award for foreign journalists were representatives of nine countries: Belarus, Egypt, India, Indonesia, China, Colombia, Pakistan, Serbia and Croatia. Sergey Tsivilev, the Kemerovo region governor announced the winners. “Work for the benefit of the person and develop rapidly is possible only in a united team of like-minded people. In our team, we have the media representatives who are the same team members as coal miners, metallurgists, transport workers, power engineers, teachers, doctors. We are all one big team called Kuzbass, and that’s why we succeed. I am very glad that today we are awarding the best among the best media representatives,” Tsivilev said.
Works of Abinav Sengupta (India), Mustafa Tahir (Pakistan) and Niken Koki (Indonesia) reached the finals of the nomination “The best printed material”. Abinav Sengupta was declared the winner. “I entered this competition with my article ‘Sustainable Growth of Indian Coal Industry: Policy Perspectives and Recommendations’. Coal will remain the main source of energy for decades to come, and the role of coal mining will change as technologies improve. A lot of countries will consider coal as the main source of energy. I’d like to thank the organisers of the Black Gold 2023 media contest for holding it to promote media interest in the coal industry worldwide,” Sengupta emphasized in his video message.
Gulmira Baktiyarova (Kazakhstan), Veranika Buta (Belarus) and Sergey Kondratenko (Belarus) reached the finals of the nomination “The Best Television Material”. The winner was Veranika Buta, a correspondent of the Belarus-1 TV channel.
Sergey Brilev, the President of the Global Energy Association announced the winners of a special award for federal publications. The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper was the winner in the Best Federal Printed Material nomination; the best television material was the film “Just Life” with Ivan Okhlobystin, prepared by the Centre for Research, Analytical and Media Programs; and the best online material was an online media Tsargrad publication.
“Thanks to our readers. Thanks to our colleagues supporting us, and thanks to the leadership of our region. Over the past five years, all of us have seen rapid changes in our region,” said Larisa Marutsuak, a Tsargrad representative.
The authors of the best regional materials were awarded by Andrey Nikitin, Deputy Head of the Regional Broadcasting Department of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK). “Grand Prix” in the nomination “The Best Regional Printed Material” went to the newspaper “Belovsky Vestnik” (Belovo, Kemerovo Region). In the nomination “The Best regional radio material” the winner was Olesya Timonina, a correspondent of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Southern Urals”; in the nomination “The best material of the press services of coal companies” – Konstantin Zakharov, Head of the Public Relations Department of Stroyservis JSC; and in the nomination “Best regional television material” – Anastasia Reva, head of the information editorial office of the “Vesti Kuzbass” program.
“I am proud that I work in Kuzbass. I am proud that I work for the VGTRK holding, and I always tell everyone: “Come to Kuzbass!”. It is cool, full of life and interesting, and what is most important, we have the brightest and most talented journalists, coal miners and officials too,” said Anastasia Reva at the awards ceremony.