The on-going elimination of the coal-fired generation is key for decreasing the emissions. According to EIA, at the end of nine months of 2023, the share of coal-fired generation decreased by 20% (Y0Y), and in absolute numbers – by 131 TW-h. Eventually, the share of coal in the energy mix decreased from 20% to 16.3%, including due to disconnecting the respective power plants from the grid: according to Global Energy Monitor, in 2022 and H1 2023, the US decommissioned 18.6 GW of coal-fired CHPPs, and at the same time 15.1 GW of gas-fired CHPPs were commissioned. Consequently, gas-fired power generation increased by 7% (i.e., by 93 TW-h) during nine months of 2023, and the share of gas-fired CHPPs in the energy mix grew from 39.7% up to 43.4%.
Natural gas is less carbon-intensive energy source vs coal. On average, 1 KW-h received from burning coal accounts for 820 grams of CO2-equivalent of greenhouse gases emissions, and 1 KW-h received from burning gas – for 490 grams of CO2-equivalent, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). That is why switching from coal to gas in the USA power generation resulted in the reduction of emissions, and RES is also playing the role of an alternative for solid fuel. According to IRENA, in 2022, in the USA the growth of the solar panels’ capacity reached 17.6 GW, which is record high for the past decade. Consequently, the total solar power generation during 9 months of 2023 grew by 12% (i.e., by 14 TW-h), and its share in the energy mix – from 3.6% up to 4.1%.
As was mentioned earlier, the emissions from using hydrocarbons as of the end of 2023 grew only by 19 mt. The growth of demand for gas in power generation and industrial sectors, and for oil in aviation (thanks to post-COVID rehabilitation of avia transportation) will be partially compensated by the growth of electric vehicles sector. According to Wards Intelligence, the cumulative share of EVs and hybrids in the new cars sales in the USA during 9 months of 2023 reached 15.8% (vs 8.5% in 2021 and 12.3% in 2022).