The Global Energy Prize laureate in the New Ways of Energy Application category for technical leadership in strategic planning, research, demonstration and commercialisation of new energy vehicles, especially for solving technical challenges of hydrogen fuel cell durability, lithium-ion battery safety and vehicle-to-grid interaction.
Minggao Ouyang, the professor of Tsinghua University, was born on 27 October 1958 in Tianmen, China.
The scientist developed the first plan in China to introduce transportation vehicles using new types of energy and initiated the establishment of Chinese solid state batteries innovative partnership (CASIP). He made a series of discoveries in the sphere of using fuel elements with proton-exchange membrane; invented a new type of hybrid transmission for fuel elements; developed a large-capacity and environmentally clean electrolytic system for hydrogen production. He created a scientific-technical system of power batteries safety assurance and described the mechanism of the full thermal cycle of Lithium-Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt-Oxide (NCM) batteries.