PJSC Gazprom, a global energy company focused on exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and marketing of gas (including as vehicle fuel), gas condensate and oil, as well as electricity and heat generation and distribution. Gazprom has the world’s largest reserves of natural gas and is the world’s leading gas producer. Gazprom sells gas to Russian consumers and is also the world’s largest gas exporter, supplying over 30 countries. Gazprom is among Russia’s largest oil producers and the country’s leading heat and electricity generator.
Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (Rosseti FGC UES) was established in 2002 to manage and develop the Unified National Electric Grid (UNEG). The company is a natural monopoly in the provision of services related to power transmission via the UNEG, and is responsible for reliable power supply of consumers in the Russian Federation. The company’s key function is to ensure transmission of electric power from generating plants to electric load centres, including receiving devices of distribution grid companies. In addition, the company transmits power between the energy system of Russia and those of neighbouring countries. PJSC Rosseti operates in 79 regions of Russia.
PJSC Surgutneftegas is focused on hydrocarbon prospecting, exploration and production in three petroleum provinces in Russia: Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and Timan-Pechora. Its production units use advanced equipment and technologies and are adapted to local geological and climate conditions, enabling the company to perform a full range of required operations independently. As a modern and responsible diversified business, PJSC Surgutneftegas fully meets its obligations to the government, shareholders, business partners and consumers, regularly upgrades its production capacities, uses natural resources sustainably, takes a consistent approach to environmental safety, and actively contributes to the social and economic development of the regions in which it operates.
New methodology makes possible suitability assessment of underground reservoirs for hydrogen storage
The development of low-carbon energy may spur the usage of depleted gas fields for hydrogen storage. However, such a solution is fraught with deformation risk
The rise in salinity in some Atlantic Ocean areas may indicate сlimate сhange
The photo is sourced from The authors of the study traced how salinity of the North Atlantic Ocean was changing between 1948 – 2018.
Russian scientists create a hydropower plant shaped like humpback whale fins
On the leading edge of the humpback whale’s pectoral fins there are outgrowths helping it maneuver during hunting. Scientists paid attention to this principle and