International Young Scientists Awards In The Field Of Oil And Gas: A Glance Into The Future
This annual international competition aims to identify and promote cutting-edge technology and innovation for the oil and gas industry; support and encourage research by young scientists, and enhance international science and technology collaboration. The competition has been established by the International Business Congress (IBC) / The Modern Technologies and Prospective Oil and Gas Industry Projects Committee, and The Gas Industry Journal (founder – PJSC Gazprom). Young scientists from any country of the world are eligible to apply.
Power Machines
Power Machines is a global power engineering company – one of the world’s top-ten industry leaders in terms of installed-equipment volume. We have developed a wealth of experience and expertise in the engineering-design, manufacturing and supply of equipment sets for thermal, nuclear and hydro power plants. The company’s core competency and competitive advantage extends to implementing integrated turn-key projects in the electrical power field.
The National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)
The National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) is one of the leading research universities in Russia and is the largest centre for socio-economic analysis in Russia and Eastern Europe. The core mission of the HSE is to advance Russia’s competitiveness worldwide by providing high quality education and conducting state of the art research in economics, social science, information and computer science, and humanities. The HSE hosts globally competitive research groups in each of these areas along with the most talented and motivated students who are interested in pursuing careers in science, business and governance.
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), founded in 2002, is a national centre of excellence in economics, statistics, foresight and policy design in the field of science, technology, and innovation (STI). The Institute has a strong record of translating its research results into policy recommendations for government, development institutions and businesses. It is represented in both research networks and expert groups under international organizations (OECD, Eurostat, UNIDO, and APEC, among others). In 2014, HSE ISSEK launched a Master’s programme taught in English with extensive research components aimed at training professionals in STI governance.
Moscow Technological Institute
MTI provides education in much-needed technical fields, combining traditions of academic education and new technologies of distance education. With Online programs students may listen to lectures and watch webinars at any time they like with no need to leave their work. The Institute provides opportunities for continuous development with various programs from bachelor’s degree to MBA.
Different formats of education are also available to students: distance, intramural and combined intramural-distance education. The students are free to choose their own schedule depending on place of their living and the amount of time they are ready to dedicate to education.
MTI students and graduates are employed by Top-500 largest companies in Russia, including Sberbank of Russia, LUKOIL, and Gazprom.
The BRICS Youth Energy Agency (BRICS YEA) (the association until 2018) is an international youth organisation established to provide for youth cooperation of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in the field of energy and to promote development of scientific and analytical potential of the youth.
Institute of Continuous Education Top Managers and Specialists of Fuel and Power Industries – one of the oldest educational institutions in industry, is under the authority of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. ICETMS FPI is offering the following options of educational services: advanced training, professional retraining (additional qualification, teaching another kind professional activity) international cooperation, seminars, trainings, master classes.
China University of Petroleum – Beijing (CUPB)
China University of Petroleum (CUPB) was founded in 1953, nominated as one of the key national universities in 1960, and is a ‘211’ national universities under administration of the Ministry of Education. As a first-tier national university of China, the mission of CUPB is to prepare qualified engineers and offer great technical service for the global oil industry through its education of the highest quality and excellent research.
Khalifa University of Science and Technology (KU)
The newly-established Khalifa University of Science and Technology (KU) combines the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (MI), the Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) and the Petroleum Institute (PI) into one world-class, research-intensive institution, seamlessly integrating research and education to produce world leaders and critical thinkers in applied science and engineering. Khalifa University endeavors to be a leader among research intensive universities of the 21st century, while catalyzing the growth of Abu Dhabi and the UAE’s rapidly developing knowledge economy.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
With more than 9,000 employees and an annual budget of about EUR 785 million, KIT is one of the biggest research and education institutions worldwide and has the potential of reaching a top position in selected research areas on an international level. The objective is to turn KIT into an institution of top research, excellent scientific education, and a prominent location of academic life, life-long learning, comprehensive advanced training, unrestricted exchange of know-how, and sustainable innovation culture.
Distributed Power Generation Association
A public organization uniting the fast-growing and high-tech companies operating in the field of distributed power generation and related industries. The Distributed Power Generation Association was created aimed at consolidation of the common efforts to form the distributed power generation market and jointly implement advance energy projects in the Russian and foreign markets. We provide new platforms, exclusive opportunities, effective services and tools for business promotion and development, implementation of joint export and investment projects.
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MEI National Research University)
National Research University is one of the leading technical universities in the world in the area of power engineering, electronics and IT. Was founded in 1930. Since 2010 it has had the status of a National Research University. Since 2010 it has had the status of a National Research University. The official name is “MEI National Research University”. The MEI has 12 Institutes, 65 Departments, 176 Research Laboratories, an experimental design bureau, a unique thermal power plant, its own educational solar power plant, the largest scientific and technical library in the country, “Energy” stadium, a swimming pool, and a palace of culture. MEI has trained over 200 thousand specialists in various fields of science and technology.
Moscow Institute Of Physics And Technology (National Research University)
Known informally as PhysTech, is a Russian university, originally established in the Soviet Union. It prepares specialists in theoretical and applied physics, applied mathematics and related disciplines. The main MIPT campus is located in Dolgoprudny, a northern suburb of Moscow. However the Aeromechanics Department is based in Zhukovsky, a suburb south-east of Moscow. Rigorous selection of gifted and creative young individuals. Involving leading scientists in student education, in close contact with them in their creative environment. An individualized approach to encourage the cultivation of students’ creative drive and to avoid overloading them with unnecessary subjects and rote learning common in other schools and necessitated by mass education. Conducting their education in an atmosphere of research and creative engineering, using the best existing laboratories in the country. In its implementation, the Phystech System combines highly competitive admissions, extensive fundamental education in mathematics, as well as theoretical and experimental physics in the undergraduate years and immersion in research work at leading research institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences starting as early as the second or third year.
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization International Sustainable Energy Development Centre Under The Auspices of UNESCO
The organization promotes humanitarian aspects and principles of sustainable energy development. Its main goal is to identify the best ways to realize the energy potential of Russia and other countries of the world in order to make a significant contribution to global sustainable energy development by widely attracting the experience of the international community.
Russian Venture Company (RVC JSC)
Russian Venture Company (RVC JSC) is a state fund of funds and a development institution in the Russian venture capital market. The mission of the company is to create a mature venture capital market through the consolidation and development of resources, competencies and initiatives on the part of investors, investment portfolio managers and entrepreneurs so as to create and promote innovative products and technologies in priority technology areas, making Russia a leader in the global technology market.
Politecnico di Torino, Research University
TRU experts have a passion for our learners and what tech can do to personalize the learning experience. Our “Purposeful Learning” philosophy empowers students to couple their disciplinary pursuit with the purpose that fuels it. Our TRU experts are obsessed with assisting learners develop resilience and a growth mindset. These skills include General cognitive ability, leadership, domain-specific knowledge and Alphabet of the Heart.
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Our mission is to contribute to transparency, sustainability and European integration, implementing projects that build resilience to climate change, promote clean energy solutions, champion sustainable mobility and strengthen environmental governance in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond. We fulfil our mission by promoting cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses and other stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation.
Russian State Geological Prospecting University (Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute)
Named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze and previously known as the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute (MGRI, МГРИ), is a university based in Moscow, Russia, specialising in geology, geophysics and other earth-science disciplines.
The university has six faculties:
- Geology;
- Geophysics;
- Hydrogeology;
- Ecology (Environmental Science);
- International Relations, legislation and Resource Economics;
Mineral Resource Prospecting and Mining technologies.
Africa to provide electricity to 300 million people over the next five years
“Our generation grew up with an abundance of fossil fuels. Since then, however, Africa’s demographic growth has accelerated, with the region’s population reaching 2 billion
Symbiosis of conventional and new energy: key to Africa’s future
The Association brought together leading experts from both the global North and developing countries of Africa. Taking part in the event were: Abel Didier Tella