1.1. The Global Energy Association on development of international research and projects in the field of energy (hereinafter, “the Organiser”) is a legal entity that manages the Prize and facilitates the Prize nomination process under the present Statute.

1.2. The laureate of the Prize is an honorary international title awarded to a scientist from among the Prize nominees for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of energy (see Clause 2.2 hereof).

1.3. The Global Energy Prize for research in the field of energy (hereinafter, “the Prize”) is an independent scientific award for extraordinary scientific achievements, practical and theoretical research, systemic studies of global problems, patterns and prospects for the development of the power industry, aimed at the validation of the new efficient energy production methods, invention of new high-yielding energy sources, significant increase in the technical and economic performance of the already existing types of power sources, while ensuring their safety and compliance with all the environmental requirements, in order to promote sustainable development of civilisation.

1.4. The International Award Committee is a body annually electing the Prize laureates from among the nominees (see Sections 5 and 6 of this Statute).

1.5. Nominee for the Prize is a person competing for the Prize and admitted to the expert evaluation by the Organiser.

1.6. Nomination submission (also acceptable – submission, application) is a form in the electronic system for filing the submissions filled-in by the nominator to nominate a candidate for the Prize in accordance with the procedure as per the present Statute (see Clauses 3.3 and 3.8 hereof).

1.7. Nomination process is the annual cycle of the Prize comprising the following key stages: development of the nomination pool, sending notifications to the nominators about the start of the next annual cycle, submission of nominations by the nominators, expert evaluation and selection of the Prize laureates by the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee.

1.8. Nomination is a complex of research and development lines in the field of energy grouped according to the principles presented in Clause 2.3 of this Statute.

1.9. Nominator is a person to whom the exclusive authority to propose nominees for the Prize was delegated according to the present Statute. All nominators form the nomination pool of the Prize (see Clauses 3.2 and 3.6 of this Statute).

1.10. The Prize fund is the monetary part of the Prize established by the Organiser and distributed among the Prize laureates according to the International Award Committee resolution.

1.11. Prize awarding is the resolution of the International Award Committee documented in the minutes signed by the Chairman of the International Award Committee or by its alternate at the meeting of the International Award Committee.

1.12. Average score is the arithmetic average of the marks given by three experts for each nomination submission.

1.13. Shortlist of the Prize is a list of the nominees who have received the top scores from the experts in each of the three nominations mentioned in Clause 2.3 of this Statute. The number of nominees in each nomination should not exceed five persons.

1.14. Expert evaluation is an examination of each nomination submission performed by an independent international expert (hereinafter, “the Expert”) and presented in the form of an expert report (see Clauses 4.2 to 4.8 of this Statute).


2.1. The Prize is awarded annually. The elected number of laureates ranges from two to three.

2.2. Nomination submissions of the following categories are accepted for consideration:

2.2.1. Electric power industry;

2.2.2. Exploration, production, transportation and processing of energy resources;

2.2.3. Renewable energy;

2.2.4. Bioenergetics;

2.2.5. Fuel cells and hydrogen energy;

2.2.6. Heat power industry;

2.2.7. Nuclear energy;

2.2.8. New materials used in modern energy engineering;

2.2.9. Efficient energy use;

2.2.10. Efficient energy storage;

2.2.11. Management in energy sector.

2.3. The nomination submissions of the categories listed in Clause 2.2 are further distributed into three nominations:

1)         Traditional energy:

  • electric power industry;
  • exploration, production, transportation and processing of energy resources;
  • heat power industry;
  • nuclear energy.

2)         Non-Traditional energy:

  • renewable energy;
  • bioenergetics;
  • fuel cells and hydrogen energy.

3)         New ways of energy application:

  • new materials used in modern energy engineering;
  • efficient energy use;
  • efficient energy storage.

2.3.1 Nomination submissions of the “Management in the energy sector” category are accepted in any of three mentioned nominations.

2.3.2. The requirements to the list of the most important studies (publications) of a nominee and such criteria as “scientific value” and “scientific novelty” stipulated by Clauses 3.8.3 and 4.2 hereof shall not be mandatory for evaluation of the nomination submissions in the nomination “Management in the energy sector”.

2.4. The goals of the Prize are as follows:

2.4.1. Promotion of theoretical and applied research and developments in the field of energy, and stimulation of international cooperation in this area.

2.4.2. Encouragement and engagement of key experts from various countries, international organisations, public and commercial structures, in order to solve the most significant problems and tasks in the energy sector.

2.5. The award package of the Prize includes: a gold medal, a gold badge, a diploma and a sum of money (the Prize fund). The amount of the monetary part of the Prize is determined annually by the Organiser and is published on website.

2.6. The Prize is not awarded:

– to the same person for the same achievement twice;

– to the members of the International Award Committee and the governing bodies of the Organiser, as well as to former members of the International Award Committee and the governing bodies of the Organiser during the first two years after their resignation therefrom;

– posthumously.

2.7. The working languages of the Prize are Russian and English.

2.8. In case of force majeure or any circumstances impeding the nomination process and being beyond the Organiser’s control, or in case government authorities adopt the decisions and measures not allowing for implementing the nomination stages, the Organiser is entitled to change the timeline of accepting the nomination submission, of performing the international expert evaluation, the announcement of the date of the International Award Committee meeting, the announcement of the date, time and venue of the award ceremony.


3.1. Citizen of any state can be nominated and afterwards can become a laureate of the Prize.

3.2. Candidates for the Prize can be nominated by the Nominators. These are:

Scientists and/or organisations acting via their representatives, as well as persons specifically invited by the Organiser to the nomination pool, who have been verified on the Organiser’s website and received confirmation of their nominating status meeting the following criteria:

-academic degree not lower than the Candidate of Sciences (or PhD);

-record of working in the energy sphere.

3.3. The nomination submissions are accepted annually according to the schedule established by the Organiser and published on website. Submissions are accepted for 110 days starting from the date of the announced beginning of submissions acceptance.

3.4. Persons performing solely administrative and/or organisational functions cannot be nominated, except for the “Management in the energy sector” category.

3.5. Self-nomination for the Prize is not allowed.

3.6. The nominator can file up to three nomination submissions in the course of one nomination cycle. An individual nomination submission is required for each nominee. Filing a single nomination submission for a group of nominees is not allowed.  

3.7. The nomination process is strictly confidential. No preliminary public discussion of the nomination process or its stages is allowed. Nominators and other participants of the process shall not disclose the nominations submitted including informing the nominees. Violation of the confidentiality leads to the rejection of the submission.

3.8. Basic requirements for the nomination submission and the supporting documents are as follows:

3.8.1. The submission shall be accompanied by a motivation letter (up to five pages) with a detailed substantiation of the nomination.

3.8.2. The submission shall contain a concise, clear, unambiguous and specific description of the nominee’s achievements making that nominee eligible for the Prize.

3.8.3. A list of the most important works (publications) by the nominee on the nomination topic shall be attached to the submission.

3.8.4. The nomination submission may be accompanied by a detailed and documented substantiation of the nominee’s merits (international patent rights, publications in fundamental areas of research, opinions of power industry authorities, top energy companies, academic boards of the leading scientific and technical centres of the field of energy, etc.).

3.8.5. The nomination submission and the supporting documents shall be in English.

3.9. The nomination submission shall not be accepted for consideration in case it is not accompanied by a motivation letter and a list of publications/links to publications by the nominee.

3.10. The nomination submissions of the preceding years shall not be carried over to the current nomination cycle.

3.11. The Organiser has the right to establish incentives for the nominator who has nominated the person subsequently elected as the laureate of the Prize.


4.1. The Organiser receiving the nomination submission shall perform initial evaluation, verifying its compliance with this Statute.

4.2. All the nomination submissions that have passed the initial evaluation shall be forwarded by the Organiser to the second examination stage, i.e. international expert evaluation. Its goal is to assess the contribution of each nominee and the compliance with the following criteria:

-scientific value;

-practical value;

-academic novelty;

-compliance with the energy safety standards;

-social significance;

-international recognition;

-personal contribution.

4.3. The nomination submissions applied for one nominee and having similar wording shall be regarded as one and the same nomination submission.

4.4. The international expert evaluation shall be performed within the period of no more than 90 calendar days.

4.5. An expert cannot evaluate the nomination submission if he/she:

4.5.1. currently is or was in any sort of labour or partner relations with the nominee or the nominator;

4.5.2. participated jointly with the nominator in preparation of the nomination submission;

4.5.3. is nominated himself/herself;

4.5.4. is a participant of the projects competing with the nominee’s projects;

4.5.5. currently is or was in ancestral relationship with the nominator or the nominee;

4.5.6. has joint publications with the nominator or the nominee.

4.6. The procedure of classification and ranking of the nomination submissions shall be as follows:

4.6.1. The nominator submits a nomination submission for one of the categories listed in Clause 2.2 of the Statute.

4.6.2. The nomination submission is classified into one of the three nominations mentioned in Clause 2.3 of the Statute.

4.6.3. The experts perform evaluation of the nomination submission and draw up expert evaluation reports. An average score is calculated for each nomination submission.

4.6.4. The nomination submissions in each of the three nominations are ranked in descending order of the average score, and the Organiser forms the Shortlist.

4.7. Each nomination submission is reviewed by at least three independent experts, each of them drawing up an evaluation report that meets the evaluation criteria established by the Organiser.

4.8. The information on the identities of the experts shall not be disclosed by the Organiser. The results of the expert evaluation shall be confidential.

4.9. The Organiser may announce the names of the short-listed nominees before making the final decision on the current year’s Prize laureates.


5.1. The International Award Committee unites 20 members: leaders of reputable scientific organisations, prominent scientists who have achieved international recognition in the field of energy, statespersons and public figures. The General Meeting of the Organiser’s members forms and approves the membership of the International Award Committee once every 4 years.

5.2. The Chairperson of the International Award Committee carries out the executive management. The Chairperson of the International Award Committee is elected for 4 years by the General Meeting of the Organiser’s members from among the candidates proposed by the Organiser. In case the Chairperson of the International Award Committee cannot perform his/her powers at the meeting due to any force majeure, the International Award Committee shall appoint one of its members by the majority of votes of those present at the meeting, and this will be the alternate Chairperson for the period of this particular meeting.

5.3. The members of the International Award Committee have the right to:

5.3.1. Obtain all the relevant information on the activities of the International Award Committee and on the progress of the nomination process.

5.3.2. Obtain information about the works submitted for the competition and to view their content.

5.3.3. Make proposals concerning the improvement of the International Award Committee work and of the nomination process as a whole.

5.3.4. Make all the relevant decisions pertaining to the meeting of the International Award Committee and to recording its results.

5.4. The members of the International Award Committee are obligated to:

5.4.1. Comply with the present Statute and other fundamental documents of the Prize.

5.4.2.  Use their status of the International Award Committee member to inform the participants of international events about the Prize, its general provisions and goals in order to promote the image of the Prize all over the world.

5.4.3. Abstain from any actions or statements that could prejudice the interests of the Prize or the Organiser’s business reputation.

5.4.4. Keep strictly confidential any information related to the work of the International Award Committee, including information about the nominees’ selection and nominees’ works.

5.4.5. Participate in all the meetings of the International Award Committee and all the official events of the Prize based on the invitation by the Organiser.

5.4.6. Keep strictly confidential the decisions of the International Award Committee on awarding the Prize, up to the moment the official announcement of the Prize Laureates is made in accordance with the procedure specified in this Statute.

5.5. The Organiser may perform annual rotation of the International Award Committee members. The General Meeting of the Organiser’s members shall adopt the resolution about the rotation of the International Award Committee members and approve the new membership of the International Award Committee. The President of the Association shall perform all the preparatory activities associated with forming the new membership of the International Award Committee.

Members can be withdrawn from the Committee for the following reasons:

5.5.1. Absence at meetings of the International Award Committee twice in a row.

5.5.2. Voluntary desire to leave the International Award Committee.

5.5.3. Inability to fulfill the duties of a member of the International Award Committee for health reasons.

5.5.4. Death of the International Award Committee member.

5.5.5. Breach of any duty of the International Award Committee member stipulated in Clause 5.4 of this Statute.

5.5.6. The Organiser has the right to resign up to 25% of the International Award Committee members once a year or less frequently.

5.6. The members of the International Committee receive remuneration for attending the annual meeting of the International Committee dedicated to awarding the Prize. The amount of this remuneration is to be determined by the Organiser.


6.1. The Prize is awarded by the decision of the International Award Committee in accordance with the procedure established by this Statute.

6.2. The decision to award the Prize is made by the International Award Committee within 60 days after the completion of the international expert evaluation. The date of the meeting of the International Award Committee is to be announced by the Organiser.

6.3. The meeting is considered duly constituted if more than half of the members of the International Committee attend.

6.4. At the meeting of the International Award Committee, the Chairperson of the International Award Committee or its alternate announces the nominees put on the Shortlist.

6.5. The vote takes place at the online platform protected from unsanctioned access via the personal profiles of the International Award Committee members. According to the voting results, the International Award Committee determines no less than two and no more than three laureates of the Prize.

6.6. The first vote is performed in three stages. A stage is a separate voting procedure for each of the nominations. The transition to the next stage is permitted only after the completion of the previous one. The totality of all stages of voting is called a round. Voting on a nomination stops when a laureate is selected in that nomination.

6.7. In the course of voting on each of the three nominations, each member of the International Award Committee has the right to one vote. A member of the International Committee cannot abstain from voting.

6.8. The voting stage is considered completed when all votes of the members of the International Award Committee are used. The round is considered completed at the end of all stages of the voting.

6.9. The laureates of the Prize shall be determined by a majority of at least 2/3 of the votes of the International Award Committee members participating in the voting.

6.10. The votes are counted after the completion of the voting round. The result of the counting of votes shall be considered the result of the voting.

6.11. In case it is impossible to make a decision, as well as in case only one nominee is elected laureate after the first voting round, the members of the International Award Committee hold the second and subsequent rounds of voting. The nominee becoming laureate according to the results of the first round of voting does not participate in the subsequent rounds. The nomination, in which the winner has been selected is also excluded from the voting process. With each subsequent round, the nominee with the lowest score is removed from voting, except if only two nominees remain in the nomination.

6.12. In case when only two laureates have been elected as a result of voting, the members of the International Award Committee shall decide whether another round (additional round of voting) is required to determine the third winner. The additional round is held if the majority of the attending members of the International Award Committee vote affirmatively.

6.13. During the additional round, a special voting procedure is carried out. Initially, the first stage of voting is held in the nomination, in which the winner has not been elected. According to the results of the first stage of voting, the votes are counted, and if a laureate is elected in this nomination, the voting stops. If no laureate has been elected after the first stage of voting, the second stage is held (and the subsequent stages, if necessary). At the second stage of voting, a mixed shortlist is compiled, made up of nominees for all the nominations included into the shortlist, with the exception of the already elected nominees. At each of the subsequent stages of voting, the nominee having received the lowest score is removed. The exception is the case when only 2 nominees are left. Before each subsequent stage of voting the members of the International Award Committee shall decide (by voting) whether this subsequent stage is needed. Each subsequent stage of voting shall be held if the majority of the Committee members vote affirmatively.

6.14. Early or absentee voting on awarding the Prize is not allowed; however, it is possible to provide an online voting of an International Award Committee member, on the conditions of adequate confidentiality of the voting process.

6.15. The representatives of the Organiser draw up the voting result reports for each round. The result reports are certified by the Chairman of the International Award Committee.

6.16. The International Award Committee is authorised to amend the wording of the nomination of the person elected as a laureate for the Prize to be announced for the public.

6.17. Any comments on the selection or voting procedure on the International Award Committee meeting will be considered by the International Award Committee only on the day of that meeting.

6.18. The International Award Committee announces the final decision on awarding the Prize of the current year not later than 15 days after the meeting of the International Award Committee.

6.19. After the meeting of the International Award Committee and before the official announcement of the laureates, the laureate is entitled to provide the Organiser with a list of persons involved in the research / development, for which the laureate was awarded the Prize.


7.1. The Prize is awarded in a gala atmosphere by the President of the Russian Federation or his authorised representative.

7.2. The persons who are awarded the Prize also receive the honorary international title of the Global Energy Prize Laureate and an award package (see Clause 2.5 of the Statute). The financial part of the Prize is paid to the laureates no later than 45 calendar days after the award ceremony. The Prize laureate is obliged to wear a golden badge on the left side of the chest during all the official events of the Prize. At other events, the Prize laureates have the right to wear the gold badge at their own discretion.

In case the award ceremony is cancelled or shifted, the financial part of the Prize is paid to the laureates no later than the end of the year, in which they were selected.

7.3. The Prize award ceremony is held during the Laureates’ Week.

The Organiser shall announce the date, time and venue of the award ceremony no later than two weeks prior to the ceremony.

Laureates have to participate on all the events held by the Organiser during the Laureates’ Week.

7.4. At the award ceremony, the Prize laureate shall make a short speech. The laureate shall provide the Organiser with the text of the speech no later than two weeks before the ceremony.

7.5. In case the laureate refuses to accept the award package including the financial part of the Prize, the laureate shall be entitled to use the Prize to the benefit of scientific or educational projects; in case the laureate fails to send any instructions of such kind within 45 days after the award ceremony (in case the ceremony is cancelled or shifted – within 45 days after the date on which such decision was made), the Organiser is entitled to keep the financial part of the Prize to fund projects, programmes, conferences, sessions and other science popularisation events held by the Organiser to promote the Prize in Russia and across the world.

7.6. If the laureate of the Prize does not issue a direct statement/application to limit publication of the respective announcements, the name of the laureate will be mentioned in the information materials on the Prize and on scientific achievement in the energy sphere distributed by the Organiser.


8.1. The Global Energy Prize laureate receives the official “Face of the Prize” status thereby giving consent to the use of his/her photographs, photographs of his/her family members and other images during the events and in the Organiser’s materials aimed at the promotion of the Prize. The laureate also gives his/her consent for the publication of his/her interviews and citations in mass media. The respective rights and obligations of the parties are established by the agreement signed between the Prize laureate and the Organiser.

8.2. The Prize laureate shall on a non-reimbursable basis:

8.2.1. Within one year after the awarding, participate in at least three events (speeches, lectures, awarding of the winners of various competitions, etc.) held by the Organiser.

8.2.2. Indicate his/her laureate status when registering and participating in international events, in author credentials and interviews.

8.2.3. Inform the Organiser about the most significant events, in which his/her participation is planned, about published articles, interviews, books, provide relevant photo and video materials, quotes of speeches, etc.

8.2.4. Participate in publications dedicated to the laureates of the Prize and the works for which they were nominated, and submit the required materials in that connection.


9.1. The laureate will be provided the following services during the Laureates’ Week of the Prize:

9.1.1. The laureate and one accompanying person will be reimbursed for business-class travel expenses on the terms prescribed by the Organiser, as well as for accommodation in a four or five-star hotel for the duration of their participation in the Prize events, taking into account the time required for arrival and departure.

9.1.2. The laureate and one accompanying person will be assisted with the Russian visas.

9.1.3 The Organiser will provide an executive car to the laureates for the duration of their stay.

9.1.4. The Prize laureate will be provided with an assistant whose task is to accompany the laureate and to assist him/her in the interaction with the Organiser.

9.1.5. The Organiser shall provide room reservations for accompanying persons at the hotel where the laureate of the Prize is staying or at another hotel upon request for the time specified (the payment for the rooms will be at the expense of the resident).

9.1.6. The Organiser shall provide an interpreter for the Prize laureate for the duration of the event if necessary.

9.1.7. All the above-mentioned services are provided to the Prize laureate of the current year free of charge. The cost of services received by the Prize laureate on their own initiative and without prior approval of the Organiser will not be reimbursed including any extra services (room service, mini-bar, bar, laundry, cleaning and ironing, hotel reception, telephone calls, Internet services, use of the business center, meals outside the programme, exchange or purchase of travel documents without the consent of the Organiser).

9.2. The members of the International Award Committee and the guests of the Prize events will be provided with the following services during the Prize events:

9.2.1. Members of the Organiser’s administrative bodies, current members of the International Award Committee and guests of the Prize events participate in the Prize events as determined by the Organiser.

9.2.2. The participants of the Prize events specified in Clause 9.2.1 of this Statute will be provided with the following services:

– reimbursement of their travel expenses on the terms prescribed by the Organiser, as well as accommodation in a three to five-star hotel for the duration of their participation in the Prize events;

– assistance with the Russian visas will be provided if necessary;

– airport pick-up upon arrival and delivery to the airport for departure;

– transfer to all the Prize events;

– interpreter services for the duration of the Prize events;

– invitation tickets and programmes of all the Prize events.